
A documentary director or series director of thirteen years’ experience, with broadcasters/streamers including Netflix, the BBC, Apple+, Discovery+, PBS and Channel 4. I am driven by the need to find the humanity, the pathos and the humour behind the headlines.  BAFTA, International Emmy, Peabody and Grierson award-winner for Exodus: Our Journey to Europe. Grierson shortlisted for Inside the Commons. Now principally working on retrospective interview-based films I also have extensive experience as a self-shooting observational director and on arts, history and current affairs.  I shoot to a high standard, working by preference with my own Canon C300 kit and prime lenses, but have also worked with Sony FS7. I speak good German and passable French and Arabic. I have strong ties to Syria where my wife is from - and where I was living in 2011.
